Blog post:

Beyond Klaviyo: Navigating the Alternatives for Your Email Marketing

Klaviyo Alternatives Explored: Finding the Right Fit 

In the quest for the optimal email marketing platform, Klaviyo stands out as a leading choice for many businesses. However, the landscape has alternatives if you are looking to assess options. In this blog, we dive  into the main competitors of Klaviyo—Attentive, Sendlane, Omnisend, and Mailchimp—highlighting their differences and similarities to help you make an informed choice.


Attentive initially focused on SMS marketing before branching off into email marketing as well, setting itself apart with exceptional SMS targeting and personalization features. 

Key Features:

  • Advanced segmentation based on customer data.
  • Robust personalization options
  • Vast Integration capabilities with e-commerce platforms for seamless data synchronization.
  • Large emphasis on building their platform for the future with AI features

Similarities to Klaviyo: Both platforms offer strong segmentation and personalization capabilities, and offer both email and SMS. 

Differences: Attentive started as an SMS platform where as Klaviyo started as an email platform. However, both have since expanded into email and SMS. 


Sendlane is the newest to the market, and stands out currently for its competitive pricing in comparison to established email service providers (ESPs).  Sendlane offers a suite of tools for email and SMS marketing, similar to Klaviyo, but places a greater emphasis on behavioral-based automation and real-time insights.

Key Features:

  • Competitive pricing 
  • Comprehensive data analytics for detailed customer insights.
  • Multichannel marketing capabilities, including email and SMS.

Similarities to Klaviyo: Both platforms are robust in automation and analytics, providing detailed insights into customer behaviors and preferences.

Differences: Sendlane offers competitive pricing in comparison to Klaviyo for businesses that are established. 


Omnisend expands the horizon with its omnichannel approach, integrating email, SMS, social media, and more into a cohesive marketing strategy. Its automation features are designed to create personalized customer experiences across various channels, setting it apart from Klaviyo's more email and SMS-centric platform.

Key Features:

  • Omnichannel marketing campaigns for a unified brand experience.
  • Automation workflows that encompass multiple channels.
  • Broader approach across multiple channels. 

Similarities to Klaviyo: Like Klaviyo, Omnisend excels in automation and personalization, offering marketers the tools to create targeted campaigns.

Differences: Omnisend's strong suit is its omnichannel capabilities, allowing for a broader marketing approach than Klaviyo's mainly email and SMS focus. 


Mailchimp is arguably the most well-known platform in the email marketing domain, offering a wide array of features that cater to novices and experts alike. While Klaviyo is tailored more towards e-commerce businesses, Mailchimp serves a broader audience, including service-based businesses, bloggers, and more.

Key Features:

  • Extensive template library for emails and landing pages.
  • Broad range of marketing features beyond email, such as postcards and social ads.
  • Detailed reporting and analytics for campaign optimization.

Similarities to Klaviyo: Mailchimp and Klaviyo both provide powerful email marketing tools, including segmentation, personalization, and automation.

Differences: Mailchimp's platform is more versatile, catering to a wider range of businesses and marketing needs, while Klaviyo offers deeper e-commerce integrations, and is power built for e-commerce. 

Conclusion: Tailoring Your Choice to Your Needs

Choosing the right marketing platform depends on your specific needs. By understanding the unique features, similarities, and differences between Klaviyo and its alternatives, you can select a platform that aligns with your marketing strategy. The size of your business can also impact which platform is best suited for your needs. We would recommend using more established and power built e-commerce platforms like Attentive and Sendlane if you are looking for alternative ESPs and are an established business. 

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